Jeanne-Marie Osterman
Release date
September 11, 2023

I get my news from poetry and I cannot live without what I find there. This startling, deeply disturbing poetic investigation by Jeanne-Marie Osterman of the murders and tortures of the Pinochet regime in Chile freezes my blood. How can I turn back to the page after reading about bodies hung to rail tracks and flung into the ocean--after noting the chilling horrors of how the regime sought to disappear people absolutely without any trace. But this book exists along with the memories of survivors and the tens of thousands who went into exile. And there are songs of Victor Jara and poems of Pablo Neruda despite Pinochet's blood lust and his desire to wipe away all opposition. Chile has gone back to democratic practice. The hijacking of Allende and the bitter pain of decades of murder, loss, exile, is starting to heal. This book contributes to that healing.
—Indran Amirthanayagam, Author of
Ten Thousand Steps Against The Tyrant

Shellback is an elegy for a man who taught his youngest daughter how to “stretch a buck, drive a truck, / anchor a screw, win at gin rummy.” Jeanne-Marie Osterman toggles between nightmarish scenes her father witnessed during World War II and the smaller but no less affecting traumas of his final months in a nursing home. Her language is spare and colloquial, with moments of irony and deadpan wit that illuminate every detail. The arduous work of losing and grieving is beautifully preserved in these poems...Osterman conveys, impeccably and with unflappable grace, the hard-earned knowledge that “no one is only / their sins.”
—Mark Bibbins,
13th Balloon

"Jeanne-Marie Osterman’s All Animals Want the Same Things packs a wallop of levity amidst gut-punching defeats. In this spirited collection, irony and chutzpah abound."
—Martha Silano,
Author of Gravity Assist

About the Author
Jeanne-Marie Osterman is the author of four books of poetry: Who Killed Marta Ugarte? (Broadstone Books), Shellback (Paloma Press), There’s a Hum (Finishing Line Press), and All Animals Want the Same Things, winner of the Slipstream Press 34th Annual Poetry Chapbook Competition. Her poems have appeared in Borderlands, New Ohio Review, Cathexis Northwest, 45th Parallel Magazine, and elsewhere.
A finalist for the 2018 Joy Harjo Poetry Award and 2017 Levis Prize in Poetry, she is poetry editor for Cagibi, a journal of prose and poetry.

Born and raised beneath
the tall trees and rainy skies
of the Pacific Northwest,
Jeanne-Marie now lives in New York City.
Poems & Reviews
Cathexis Northwest / On the Stillaguamish River, The Wild Nasturtiums
The Esthetic Apostle / That Final Wisdom
The Madison Review / Horny Goat Weed
Winning Writers / The Vultures of Mumbai
New Ohio Review / Review of SHELLBACK

July 23-24, 2021 / New York City Poetry Festival / NYC
February 4, 2020 / CAGIBI Reads / Halyards / Brooklyn, NY
September 22, 2019 / Book Signing / Brooklyn Book Fair
September 13, 2019 / Poets House / New York City
May 3, 2018 / Poets House / New York City